Till the time we went to this place , even I hadn't even heard of the name. I friend who had been there , had given a high recommendation. SO we decided to take the risk. We had a choice between Alibag and Srivardhan , and for some absurd logic(as usual), we chose the latter.As it turns out, it is one of the most memorable trips I have ever had, for 2 reasons, one, the place itself, and two, the company that I had, ie, my office colleagues. There were 11 of us in all, and we had a blast of a time. I learnt some new things on the trip, one of them being POKER.I also learnt that I had a very bad luck in it. So can't make a career in it........
Almost everyone was skeptical, till the time we reached the place. It was a marathon journey, from 7am in the morning till about noon, with a pittstop in between, for breakfast, at a place called VADTHAL NAKA. We put up at a farmhouse called Matruchhaya - decent place, close to nature, but with all the necessary amenities, and some adventure thrown in by lizards and cockroaches.
We had home made food, which was delicious. The owner himeself served the food alongwith the family members.
For the first time, in the cops and mafia game, the cops lost and the Mafia won .............AND HISTORY WAS CREATED.............. Took a hell of an effort throughout the game to convince the others that I was the MAFIA and Not The COP. I was in the danger zone almost everytime except for once.The Cops were shrewd , but not good enough......
We also played the other popular game of the winking thief, which asual, was a big hit.....
Srivardhan is not yet commercialised, as is Alibag, so the natural beauty has not been tampered with.We basically went to 3 places , Harihareshwar, Srivardhan and Divyaghar.
The water at HariHareshwar is said to be dangerous.The tides are unpredictable,and at that time it was around AMAVASYA.But we still had our share of fun, playing cricket, volleyball, handball. We had planned to go to the MTDC resort nearby to play some watersports, but ended up spending the entire evening at the beach. Alongside the beach is a temple called "DAKSHINKASHI".
The beach at Srivardhan was the best.Sunday morning we went there , played frisbee, dodgeball.
There are also quite a few resorts. The best thing to watch is the road from Srivardhan to Divyaghar. The coastline is full of scenic beauty , which has to be seen.... can't be explained.
At divyaghar, is the famous ganesh temple, where the idol is made of Pure gold..... it is called "songanesh" or "songanpati".
The funny part is that there is an old lady who keeps on demanding money from visitors, stating that the temple is built on her house, and they have to compensate for the same......
We left for Mumbai,singing some few hundred songs, playing Antakshari, and reached home by 7.30 in the eveining, tired & exhausted.....
Office starts next day....... back to the routine, but with memories of yet another unforgettable experience. Here are some of them, captured on camera.
Truly a memorable trip. Just like Hemanshu, even I realised that some people (me) are just meant to lose the POKER game.
Great People + Great Place = Great Trip.
I guess, we should make this atlease once a quarter event and yes, going to unexplored places is as much fun as is going to some known good places.
I missed the trip at the last moment....but can very well imagine the fun you guys must have had....
But, I can't see even one of shubha's pic in the blog....Himanshu, I feel you are in trouble....
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